People say that variety is the spice of life - and this is certainly the case when it comes to escorts. You'll have your pick of numerous red-hot ladies every time that you get the urge to let off some steam in the company of a beautiful woman. So what's a man to do? Well, if you really want to experience the delights of these gals then you might be best served choosing a different one each time. Here are three reasons why it's always great fun to do this.
Surprise yourself
No two escorts are ever the same, and the same goes for your desires. While you might think you have a specific 'type', on occasion you might also want to indulge a different kind fantasy. That's why it makes great sense to vary your experiences between blondes and brunettes, petite and curvy figures, buxom ladies and smaller ones as you never know what you might learn about yourself. It's all about making sure you taste everything that's on offer.
Experience their particular moves
Escorts are extremely skilled when it comes to pleasing men. In fact, they will have saucy moves that you probably didn't even know existed! You should know that all the gals each have their own tricks that are guaranteed to leave you with a big smile on your face - so don't miss the opportunity to experience them first-hand by trying out several different women when you get the chance.
New thrills every time
Don't forget that an escort isn't just about releasing all your built up sexual urges. Instead, there's also the thrill of meeting someone new and exploring uncharted territory. While you can always go back to the same girl again and again, it's very exciting to have your way with a complete stranger who you've never even seen before.
Take your pick!
The whole point of escorts is that you don't have to be shackled to the same woman if you don't want to be. Therefore, remember that you can always enjoy the company of a different one whenever the mood strikes. To choose from the hottest Asian escorts London has to offer, get in touch with London Dolls.